Saturday 7 November 2015

It's been a very long time between posts! I've been super busy, and there's lots to show, but I've decided to use Facebook for future news and projects. here's the link:

  Hope you enjoy reading it, Glenys.

Friday 21 March 2014

Back to the Future

I've gone all retro (for me) with this new range of Birds. I started my Glass Art career making Copperfoil pieces, and I've revisited that technique with the Birds:

I've always enjoyed decorative Soldering, and making these Birds gives me the chance to use it lots!
These Cranes look beautiful as a matched pair.

The bases are nice and heavy so the pieces are very stable.

Well not really, but these can be hung outside to gently rotate in the sun and breeze - look fantastic!
Three -  Dimensional Pieces:

Two - Dimensional Pieces:

This Lorikeet hangs from its tail but the photo wouldn't rotate when I uploaded it!


Larger Lazy Susans

I've had a request for a larger version of my Lazy Susans, which are normally 500mm in diameter.

This one is 600mm in diameter, which doesn't sound like a big increase but is actually 40% larger in area:

The bearing is larger too - I use a 12 inch bearing rather than the standard 9 inch one.

We sold the larger one to a Scrabble aficionado who places the board on it! Brilliant!

Friday 4 October 2013

New Class Formats!

Well here it is: my new Class Brochure! Copies will be available in "Peace of Green" and "Seaview" Galleries as well. I hope you find it fascinating and informative.

AND: I've opened up the last Wednesday of each month (except December 25th!) for any of my previous Students who wish to come to my Studio, from 10.00 to 12 noon, have a cuppa and a chat, browse my library, see what new projects I'm working on and be inspired!


Sunday 29 September 2013

Birdie Num Num

I've just made a new line - birds, standing on a rock. The bird's not any particular type, so you can call it anything you like! The "rock" is made of grout, enhanced with Inka Gold and decorated with shells and stuff.

Inka Gold is a new product that is amazing with anything porous from paper, wood, grout etc etc.
It's been so popular that it sold out everywhere.  I'm expecting my next delivery some time after the 10th October.  There are also new colours in the range too.

These birds are made using the Copper Foil technique, and decorative soldering. These techniques are going to be included in my new class format (among lots of other things).

Monday 16 September 2013

MAANZ Symposium

Well we've been back home in Qld for a couple of weeks after driving to and from the Melbourne Symposium.

The car was packed to the gills on the way down with stock and then with shopping on the way home.  We did our bit for the economy.

Our first time as vendors was scary, enlightening and satisfying.  It was wonderful to meet and learn from the other vendors.  They gave us some great advice and encouragement.

I missed a lot of speakers while busy with our stall but the few I say were very interesting, especially Carol Shelkin whose talk about being an artist was very uplifting and positive.

The exhibition at Bundoora was outstanding quality.  There is never enough time to appreciate each piece fully but I was overwhelmed by the quality of the conception and execution of the pieces. 

Congratulation to all the worthy winners.

As a first attempt our stall was very successful as a platform to launch my new book and the products described within.

I was surprised how quickly some products sold out.

The Inka Gold importer has also sold out of this wonderful new product.  The next shipment is expected about the 9th Oct and there are lots of new colours too!

Check my Facebook page or website for updates:;

Also, because we just plain forgot to take any photos of the Symposium (duh) have a look at the MAANZ Facebook page as well:



Sunday 21 July 2013

The Book is Here!

Well my first book has been born! It's been a very interesting (and sometimes frustrating) process, but I'm very proud of it and if all goes to plan, there'll be many more to follow.

                                                                 Cover page (above)

                                       Introduction and contents on the second page (above)

I'll be taking copies with me to the MAANZ symposium in Melbourne on August 23rd to 25th., but also selling them direct for $23.00 including postage within Australia. Just email me at if you'd like one.