Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Rain Series

This piece requires some very painstaking glass cutting!

The long wavy mirror strips are just one (very careful) cut, and the spirals are cut using the diamond - bladed ring saw.
White grout enhances the lacy look of the piece, and touches of pale mint add depth and interest to the colour.
The above piece was a commission and has been sold.

This is a mirror of similar design, but using black grout instead.

This piece is called "Golden Rain". More golden highlights than silver.

A different variety of highlights used between the mirror strips - and you can see my studio reflected in it!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Gold Leaf Butterflies

This lazy Susan features my new Gold leaf Butterflies. I make them using gold, silver or copper leaf on the back of reverse - painted  butterfly wings.
This piece is sold.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

More New Pieces!

It's been a while since the last post, but a lot has been happening! I've created some new pieces:

Firstly, "Ruby" was a commission made for a 40th. Anniversary present!

It's hard to see very well because a photo never conveys the life and vitality of the actual piece, but the different shades of red and gold glass contrast beautifully. They were very happy!