Saturday, 23 June 2012

Latest Piece

This is my latest piece - a 900mm x 600mm mirror utilising several different elements to create the flowing silver cascade effect:

Here are some photos of the detail:

The stars are made from diamond bevels. I apply Brightback to really make them pop.

Using Brightback again. It gives amazing life to any textured glass.
I still haven't decided on a name for this piece yet - watch this space!

More Budding Mosaicists!

I taught my Beginner's Class to another lovely group of people yesterday! Here they are with their completed projects:

It was a cold, bleak day outside but the creative energies kept it nice and warm inside the studio (and the fire going in the house helped too!). Thank you to everyone for coming, and I hope you all enjoyed the day as much as I did teaching and getting to know you.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Nambour Garden Expo coming up!

It's only another 3 weeks until we have our stall at the Queensland Garden Expo at Nambour. Billed as the premier sub - tropical garden event in Queensland, it attracts huge crowds over the 3 days of 6, 7 & 8 July.
We have decided that rather than commit to a regular weekly market, we'll attend what we call "Event" Markets such as this one. Last week I sent some photos to be included in an advert we are placing in the Official Guide for the event. The Guide will be included in the Wednesday July 6th. edition of the Sunshine Coast Daily and also given out to market attendees.
Here are some of the photos:

 This panel is called "Palm Beach". I'm currently working on a similar piece for a Comission.

 This is a Lazy Susan called "Crystal Elements"

                                                 Another Lazy Susan called "Flutterbys"